Autism Awareness

People diagnosed with autism are selfish, self-centered egotistical? Yes. But it's not what you think. On Wed. April 3rd, Spencer Kelly, Oakland University student with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder, spoke to an inquisitive crowd about some of the unknown aspects of living with an autistic disorder. The best part? His speech was held on campus... Continue Reading →

Digital, Diverse, Disorders, oh my!

Oakland University senior, Simon Albaugh, feels that diversity is the inclusion of as many voices as possible. With that, he also believes that this level of inclusivity is something to strive for. Based on the media's portrayal of bipolar disorder and the rigorous nature of surviving university, Albaugh doesn't think that is a commonly shared... Continue Reading →

Tackling Terms

After interacting with the Under Our Skin project, I am a little upset to admit that I am not surprised by the ratio of ignorant people in comparison to woke people. The majority of the participants did not understand the severity of the words and their concepts, which will further confuse students that do not... Continue Reading →

Pretty Privilege

After watching the documentary "Miss Representation" I've realized that there is an entire world within me that was created by the media messages and depictions of women. As a child, I would dress up in women's clothes and wonder what it would be like to be so beautiful and admired that someone with money and status... Continue Reading →

Cries from Counter-Culture

Cultural hegemony is not necessarily the enemy. It allows mass amounts of people to coexist under one structural order. The enemy appears when this hegemonic system exercises its influence through force and violence on those that do not fit into the system as nicely as those that can. On Tuesday, Jan. 29th, Empire actor Jussie... Continue Reading →

Age Before Beauty

The American beauty industry capitalizes off of women's desire to hinder a natural part of life. Growing older. As women do this growing, they become more and more conscious of their age. This opens the floodgates for the beauty industry to sell skin creams, makeup, and serums that slow the progression of age and for... Continue Reading →

Somber Sound of Simon

Simon Albaugh plays the ukulele in his spare time as a way to express himself. The 21 year old gives an interview about the inception of his playing and how he is happy that the ukulele is now his only roommate. Check it out!  

Voice, Choice, Rejoice

The original writing of this notecard read, "Jodi sat across from me at the diner. Smushed in this booth after a two hour drive, we needed food and rest. I wanted nothing more than to engage in adult conversion and discuss anything other than self-diagnosed mental illness. Just after Kristen, our waitress, walked away she... Continue Reading →

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