Digital, Diverse, Disorders, oh my!

Oakland University senior, Simon Albaugh, feels that diversity is the inclusion of as many voices as possible. With that, he also believes that this level of inclusivity is something to strive for. Based on the media's portrayal of bipolar disorder and the rigorous nature of surviving university, Albaugh doesn't think that is a commonly shared... Continue Reading →

Judging Journalism: bias about the Middle East.

Before the Film: I know that the northeast region of Africa and the south west parts of Asia and Europe make up the Middle East. I'm currently unable to locate any specifics like Israel or West Bank without google. Population:  Israel is about 8.5 million, West Bank is about 2.8 million, Gaza Strip is about... Continue Reading →

Age Before Beauty

The American beauty industry capitalizes off of women's desire to hinder a natural part of life. Growing older. As women do this growing, they become more and more conscious of their age. This opens the floodgates for the beauty industry to sell skin creams, makeup, and serums that slow the progression of age and for... Continue Reading →

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