Digital, Diverse, Disorders, oh my!

Oakland University senior, Simon Albaugh, feels that diversity is the inclusion of as many voices as possible. With that, he also believes that this level of inclusivity is something to strive for. Based on the media's portrayal of bipolar disorder and the rigorous nature of surviving university, Albaugh doesn't think that is a commonly shared... Continue Reading →

Pretty Privilege

After watching the documentary "Miss Representation" I've realized that there is an entire world within me that was created by the media messages and depictions of women. As a child, I would dress up in women's clothes and wonder what it would be like to be so beautiful and admired that someone with money and status... Continue Reading →

Black Believer

It is impossible to discuss whiteness without discussing blackness, and how these concepts affect the interactions between people by shaping ideology.  It's not usually considered news when people hear that racism grew out of slavery. It is, however, seemingly shocking when white people hear that they consistently play into -and capitalize off of- the vestiges... Continue Reading →

Age Before Beauty

The American beauty industry capitalizes off of women's desire to hinder a natural part of life. Growing older. As women do this growing, they become more and more conscious of their age. This opens the floodgates for the beauty industry to sell skin creams, makeup, and serums that slow the progression of age and for... Continue Reading →

Unofficial Experts: Professional Vulgarity

The past couple of weeks have given me an incredible realization of self. I've listened to the podcast The Unofficial Expert with Sydnee Washington and Marie Faustin . These comedians co-host this podcast as two black women living in New York City. Though not always, they frequently have guest speakers that are an "expert" on... Continue Reading →

Black Tweets Matter

Twitter has definitely taken the world by storm in the past couple of years. Since 2006, it has been a major source of news, information, entertainment, and media. I've chosen to create an account using this platform because it allows me to get almost an  instantaneous update on social issues that matter to me. On twitter,... Continue Reading →

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